Monday 2 March 2020

Kih-Oskh Update: 02.03.2020

Hello, Kih-Oskh followers across the globe, I would like to introduce to you the first update on the Kih-Oskh blog. As you will not know (I think), I will soon be creating a weekly Tintin Magazine, based on all of those original 1940's-1950's Tintin Magazines as well as mixing it a bit with the formatting of 2000 AD, which is of course the Galaxy's Greatest Comic. Anyway, I've created a new page at the top of the screen which reads "Tintin Magazine," and to make a long story a little bit shorter, this is where you'll be able to find all of the Tintin Magazines that I'm going to make. There isn't really a specific deadline on when I'm going to premiere the first issue, but it's most likely going to be soon. And before you ask, I'll tell you what it's going to include. The first thing is the Marlinspike Notebook, a doohickey thingy-ma-jig which will basically be the Judge Dredd Megazine's "Sector Control," but instead it's for Tintin. The next thing is Tintin and the Secrets of the Multiverse, which I'm pretty sure you're aware of, but if you're not, it's my weird sequel to Tintin revolving around my crazy and absolutely strange theories about the Tintin Magazine. Finally, there's going to be a short backup story, and I can't really tell you what it is yet because that will kind of ruin it, but there's going to be one of these in each of the issues and they will hopefully tie-in with the multiverse story. Well, before I end this post, I would just like to thank Tintinologist for a really cool thing of Tintin cameos in other comics, books, etc., and it can be found here. Okay then, see you next time on Kih-Oskh!